Summer Day 2015

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14 March 2015, Youth Center Borderless celebrated the day in it’s own event “Embrace the Spring”. The celebration began in the morning with the participation of the Youth Center BORDERLESS to stand at the fair “Jeto EKO,Festo EKO” developed in the Square “Mother Teresa” from 9:00 to 15:00. There were exposed all the works  prepared by our volunteers, as vases, wreaths and 100% organic olive soap. By being part of the exposition,we wanted to give a strong message to make people aware for healing mother nature,the animals and the place we live at.A message the went along to the same line with the exposition’s message itself: Start doing something in our small way to make difference today.All the symbolic fund that was raised from the event,  will go to purchase food for birds at risk “Karavasta “Lagoon.
Meanwhile, at 17:00   was held the second  part of the event.Everyone who was interested to contribute in the case,joined us by expressing interest for the works and buying them. The evening took place informally, with games, conversations and new memberships volunteers. Many thanks to all participants! Happy summer day 2015 !!