Now We Move 2013

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Now We Move 2013


NowWeMove is a weekly promotion campaign held annually throughout Europe to promote the positive impact of sport and physical activities in European societies. The main organizer is the International Association of Sports and Culture (ISCA) along with many other prestigious institutions.
For 2013, the week of the motion was held on 7-13 October 2013. In the context of this week’s Youth Center “Borderless” organized on October 7,8,9,11 2013 a series of activities.

“Let’s rock! Let’s zumba!
The first event in a week of motion was on 7 October 2013, 14:30, at the Palace of Sports “Aslan Russia:” Let’s Rock! Let’s Zumba! Zumba was chosen precisely to make the opening as good a combination between physical activity, dancing and creating positive energy. This new type of activity included different groups who enjoyed this experience together, leaving aside all barriers between them as well as any sign of discrimination between different groups. For this activity Youth Center “Borderless” had the logistical support of our partners” Disable Active People Albania “.

Basketball match
Sports week went further on October 8 2013, 14:30 Sports Palace “Aslan Russia” with a more interesting activitie: basketball friendly match. It was organized a basketball match of two mixed teams with boys and girls. All participants were fully engaged in this match as beautiful as ambitious.

Running at the Lake

The next event was held on 8 October 2013, 15:30, to the artificial lake of Tirana. This activity hand a very nice message after performing physical activities in nature . Also termed activity: Jogging by the lake with friends, had intended to make a communication link between physical activity body, communicating with nature, as well as increased direct communication with friends. During running, they shared conversations, ideas, different thoughts to become a more enjoyable activity. Running from the lake had very good results.

Sports day with the children of SOS Village in Tirana
The activity “Sports Day with children of SOS Village in Tirana” organized in the framework of mobility week was on 11 October 2013, 13:00 to 15:00 hrs. For the realization of this activity Youth Center “Borderless” had a great support from the staff of SOS FF (Enkela Gallo – DSP, Whistle Hereni – P, Amarilda Vika – SOS aunt, Fiqirete Bito – SOS aunt).
This activity aimed at raising awareness of children on the importance of sport in human health through fun games and sports entertainment. Games were organized by 15 young volunteers of Youth Center “Borderless” and included the 70 children of the village SOS mothers and aunts accompanied by family. Children were divided into groups according to their age groups from 4 to 14 years old. It made it easier to organize the plan as follows:
– Dance and music
– Sports games
– Entertainment with different games (ball games, game chairs, playing with the balloon, playing with ropes, etc.)
– Distribution of some small gifts for the children gathered.
– Pictures for sport
This event was like the cherry on the cake as we managed through physical activity would give and receive to and would give much laughter and love the children of SOS Village.

Now We Move 2013

posted in: Aktivitete | 0

Now We Move 2013

NowWeMove është fushatë promovimi një javore që zhvillohet cdo vit në mbarë Evropën per te promovuar ndikimin pozitiv te sportit dhe aktiviteteteve fizike në shoqëritë evropiane. Organizatore kryesore eshte Shoqata Nderkombetare e Sportit dhe Kultures (ISCA) se bashku me shume institucione te tjera prestigjoze.
Per vitin 2013, java e levizjes u zhvillua ne datat 7 – 13 Tetor 2013.Disa nga aktivitetet kryesore:

“Let’s rock! Let’s zumba!
Aktiviteti i pare ne javen e levizjes ishte me daten 7 Tetor 2013 , ora 14:30 ,ne Pallatin e Sportit “Asllan Rusi: “Let’s Rock! Let’s Zumba! U zgjodh pikerisht zumba per te bere kete hapje pasi eshte nje gershetim i mire midis aktivitetit fizik, kericimit dhe energjise positive te krijuar. Ky lloj aktiviteti perfshiu te rinj te grupeve te ndryshme te cilet shijuan se bashku kete eksperience duke e lene menjane te gjithe barrierat midis tyre si dhe duke shuar cdo shenje te diskriminimit midis grupeve te ndryshme. Per kete aktivitet Qëndra Rinore “Pa Kufij pati mbeshtetje ne logjistik nga partneret tane “Active Disable People Albania”.

Ndeshje miqesore basketbolli
Java sportive vazhdoi me tej ne daten 8 Tetor 2013 , ne 14:30 tek Pallati Sportit “Asllan Rusi” me nje aktivitetet shume interesant: Ndeshje miqesore basketbolli. U organizua nje ndeshje basketbolli prej dy skuadrash te perziera me djem dhe vajza. Te gjithe pjesemarresit u angazhuan plotesisht ne kete ndeshje sa te bukur aq edhe ambicioze. Mbas perfundimit te lojes, te rinjte folen perfitimet qe ka njeriu nga aktivitetet sportive per nje shendet te mire si dhe per kenaqesine qe marrim gjate zhvillimit te lojes. Edhe ne aktivitet Qendra rinore “Pa kufij” pati mbeshtetjen e “Active Disable People Albania”ne logjistike.

Vrapimi nga liqeni mes miqsh
Aktiviteti i radhes u zhvillua me 8 Tetor 2013 , ora 15:30, tek liqeni artificial i Tiranes. Ky aktivitet percillte nje mesazh shume te bukur pasi kryerja e aktiviteteve fizike ne natyre eshte akoma dhe me e bukur. Gjithashtu aktiviteti i quajtuar : Vrapim nga liqeni me miqte, kishte si qellim te bente nje lidhje midis komunikimit me trupin me aktivitetin fizik, komunikimit me natyren, si dhe rritjes se komunikimit te drejteperdrejte me miqte. Gjate vrapimit, ata ndan biseda, ideve, mendime te ndryshme duke e shnderruar ne nje aktivitet shume te kendshem. Vrapimi nga liqeni pati rezultate mjaft te mira. Te rinjte u entuziasmuan dhe nga te tjeret qe ju bashkuan ne kete nisme.

Dita sportive me femijet e fshatit SOS ne Tirane
Aktiviteti permbylles “Dita sportive me femijet e fshatit SOS ne Tirane” i organizuar ne kuader te javes se levizjes ishte me 11 Tetor 2013 , ne oren 13.00-15.00. Per realizimin e ketij aktiviteti Qendra rinore “Pa kufij” pati nje mbështetje te madhe nga stafi i SOS FF (Enkela Galo – DSP, Bilbil Hereni – P, Amarilda Vika – SOS teze, Fiqirete Bito – SOS teze).
Ky aktivitet synonte ndërgjegjësimin e fëmijëve për rëndësinë që ka sporti në shëndetin e njeriut nepermjet lojerave argëtuese argëtuese dhe sportive. Lojerat u organizuan nga 15 të rinj vullnetar të Qendres rinore “Pa kufij” dhe perfshine te 70 femijët e fshatit SOS te shoqëruar nga nënat dhe tezet e familjes. Femijet u ndane ne grupe sipas grupmoshave te tyre nga 4 deri 14 vjec. Kjo e beri me te lehte organizimin e planifikuar si me poshte:
– Kercim dhe muzike
– Lojera sportive
– Argetim me lojera te ndryshme (Lojera me top, loje me karrige, loje me tullumbace ,loje me litare etj.)
– Shperndarje e disa dhuratave te vogla te mbedhura per femijet.
– Piktura per sportin
Ky aktivitet ishte si qershia mbi torte pasi nepermjet aktivitet fizik arritem te jepnim dhe te merrnim dhe te jepnim shume te qeshura dhe dashuri nga femijet e fshatit SOS.

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