Now We Move 2013

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Now We Move 2013 NowWeMove është fushatë promovimi një javore që zhvillohet cdo vit në mbarë Evropën per te promovuar ndikimin pozitiv te sportit dhe aktiviteteteve fizike në shoqëritë evropiane. Organizatore kryesore eshte Shoqata Nderkombetare e Sportit dhe Kultures (ISCA) … Continued

(Dis)Connected in nature

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(Dis)Connected in nature Youth Center Borderless was part of the youth exchange organized in Croatia during 27 June-5 July 2015.The aim of this project was to remind young people of how exciting it can be to meet new people and … Continued

(Dis)Connected in Nature

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(Dis)Connected in Nature Youth Center Borderless pjese e shkembimit rinor qe u zhvillua me dt 27 qershor-5korrik 2015 me teme (Dis)Connected in nature,ne Kroaci.Ky shkembim u zhvillua ne trajten e disa aktiviteteve per te rinjte ne natyre.Nepermjet te cilit te … Continued

‘Healthy environment starts from my house’

posted in: Featured, Projects | 0

‘Healthy environment starts from my house’ Implementing NGO: Youth Center Borderless Duration: 23/04/2015 – 30/09/2015 With support of :   “This project is supported by a REC grant as part of Senior-A Program. “Support for Environmental Civil Society Organisations in … Continued

‘Mjedisi i shëndetshëm fillon nga shtëpia ime’

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‘Mjedisi i shëndetshëm fillon nga shtëpia ime’ Organizata implementuese: Qendra Rinore “Pa Kufij” Mbeshtetur nga:   “Ky projekt është bërë i mundur nga një grant i REC në kuadër të programit SENiOR-A “Mbështetje për Organizatat Mjedisore të Shoqërisë Civile në … Continued

Strategic planning 2015-2017

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Strategic planning 2015-2017 With the support of SENIOR-A and REC, on 26-27 June 2015, Youth Center Borderless conducted a strategic planning seminar for 2015-2017. The aim of the activity was to help evaluate the work done so far and foster … Continued

Planifikimi Strategjik 2015-2017

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Me mbeshtetjen e programit SENiOR-A dhe REC, Qendra Rinore Pa Kufij zhvilloi ne datat 26-27 Qershor 2015 seminarin per planifikimin stategjik te saj per vitin 2015-2017. Synimi i aktiviteti ishte te ndihmonte ne vleresimin e punes se deri me tanishme … Continued

Youth week

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Youth week took place at “Students city” in Tirana ,23-27 MARS 2015 It was a week full of activities for students,youngsters and all the people who wanted information for all the organizations that work and operate in Albania,especially in Tirana. … Continued

One day at Karavasta’s lagoon

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The beginning of spring brings innovation, joy and a beautiful atmosphere. Under this atmosphere of human approach to nature, Youth Center “Borderless” did a kind activity called “Embrace the spring”. The initiative aimed to give a strong message sensitizing through … Continued