#HeForShe Summer Tour in Albania – Kruja City

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#HeForShe Summer Tour in Albania – Kruja City HeForShe Summer Tour kicked off its second week with#Kruja. HeForShe Solidarity Movement was welcomed by residents and many tourists, getting involved in conversations and symbolically committing for gender equality. They were acknowledged … Continued

HeForShe Summer Tour Albania

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HeForShe Summer Tour Albania HeForShe is a solidarity campaign for gender equality initiated by UN Women. Its goal is to engage men and boys as agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights, by encouraging them … Continued

Oscal 2015

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Oscal 2015 OSCAL2015: Open Source Conference Albania partnere mbeshtetese e te cilit qe dhe Youth Center Borderless, është konferenca e parë vjetore në Shqipëri, organizuar nga Open LABS për të promovuar teknologjitë e lira e të hapura, një lëvizje globale … Continued

OSCAL 2015

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OSCAL (Open Source Conference Albania) is the first annual conference in Albania organized to promote software freedom, open source software, free culture and open knowledge, a global movement that originally started more than 25 years ago.This year Youth Center Borderless … Continued

Projekti “Passport for life”

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Projekti “PasSport for life” SHKËMBIM RINOR NË HIMARË, SHQIPËRI, 16.09.2014-25.09.2014 Tema: “PasSport for Life” Qëllimi i projektit: Të kuptojmë rëndësinë i sporteve në rutinën tonë të përditshme. Organizatorët: Point, Republika Çeke Organizata Pritëse: Youth Center Borderless, Shqipëri Pjesmarrësit: Republika Çeke, … Continued

Dita Boterore e Ujit – 22 Mars 2015

posted in: Aktivitete | 0

Dita Boterore e Ujit – 22 Mars 2015 Që prej vitit 1992 , me vendim të Asamblesë së Kombeve të Bashkuara data 22 Mars njihet si dita e burimeve ujore. Cdo vit, Dita botërore e ujit trajton një tematikë të … Continued